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Children's Mental Health & Wellbeing at Asterdale

How do we support your child's emotional wellbeing?

Some examples include:

  • Work with the NSPCC yearly to teach children about being safe and healthy.
  • Promoting mindfulness and the importance of wellbeing for all children-  including for example breathing, meditation, strategies for self-regulation
  • A designated teacher assigned for promoting Children's Mental Health
  • A dedicated learning mentor who actively supports our PSHE curriculum in supporting vulnerable pupils
  • Forest schools and outdoor learning for ALL children
  • Well being buddies - children in each class with responsibility for promoting emotional health.


Why is it important?

Good mental health helps children:

  • Learn and explore the world
  • Feel, express and manage a range of positive and negative emotions
  • Form and maintain good relationships with others
  • Cope with, and manage change and uncertainty
  • Develop and thrive.

Building strong mental health early in life can help children build their self-esteem, learn to settle themselves and engage positively with their education. This, in turn, can lead to improved academic attainment, enhanced future employment opportunities and positive life choices.


Emotional support local and national helplines

At times of stress it's often helpful to talk to someone who is not involved in your situation. A number of websites and helplines are available:


Useful links and websites:


Qwell - Click Here

Qwell is a free online Mental Health and Wellbeing resource for parents and carers of young people under the age of 18 that requires no formal referral, instead only requiring the user to set up an account on the website


The Anna Freud Centre:
The Anna Freud Centre has online advice for young people, parents and schools specifically related to the coronavirus


Child Bereavement:

Child Bereavement UK helps children and young people (up to age 25), parents, and families, to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. They also provide training to professionals, equipping them to provide the best possible care to bereaved families.

The telephone helpline number is: 0800 02 888 40


Setting Boundaries and Behaviour Management: Click Here

Free advice for parents and carers regarding setting boundaries with your child using rules and rewards and coping with challenging behaviour.


Emotional and free online parent peer support: Click Here

Emotional support from fellow parents with professional training and "lived" experience.


Young Minds - Parent Support:

Practical advice and tips on supporting your child - from how to encourage your child to open up about their feelings to dealing with mental health services.


Parenting with a Mental Health Problem: Click Here

Support available and suggestions on how to help yourself and your children.


Supporting your Child's Mental Health: Click Here

Advice and information on a large and varied number of topics:

  • Child mental health and wellbeing
  • Big changes
  • Conditions and challenges
  • Difference and diversity


Mental Health and Wellbeing: Click Here

Advice and activities to support children and parents with their mental health and emotional wellbeing.


Parenting and Mental Health: Click Here

Being a parent with a mental illness can be hard. But with the right support you can be a good parent while managing your mental health.


Children- coping with stress


Stress Container


10 days of happiness online programme to boost your wellbeing