First Aid
First Aid:
Bumps and scrapes are an unavoidable part of school life, especially in the playground or on a sports field. Unless otherwise notified, staff will assume that it is acceptable to place a plaster upon a graze or cut that children may incur.
All of our school staff have taken part in First Aid training and some have additional paediatric first aid qualifications. When an adult administers treatment of any kind a child, they will complete an entry in our first aid book and send notification home. If a child has a minor head injury we will ways try and contact the nominated parent or carer by telephone. We use our judgement as to the extent of the injury and will discuss with parent or carer whether the child needs to be collected or warrants a visit to the doctor or hospital.
In the very rare case of serious injury, the school will telephone for an ambulance. If a parent or carer is unable to get to school quickly, a member of staff will accompany the child to hospital in the ambulance and wait with them until their parent or carer arrives.