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At Asterdale, we recognise the great impact that an enrichment-built curriculum has on our pupils' life chances. 

By providing a rich varied diet of planned enrichments throughout the academic year, all learners build both their social equity and cultural capital experiences during their time at Asterdale. 


We believe all children should have an equal opportunity to experience hands-on learning outside the immediate school environment.  We know from experience that our children's learning is positively enhanced by these opportunities and brings to life our curriculum offer through purposeful first-hand learning that can not be replicated in the classroom. 

Every half-term, an enrichment experience is carefully planned and delivered to all year groups


What does our enrichment look like? 

  • Planned workshops 
  • Planned visits 
  • Use of our local area to celebrate and enhance our curriculum delivery 
  • Visitors in to school 
  • Residential experience  (Year 6) 
  • Visits to places of worship 
  • Resources to support curriculum delivery (eg - artefacts) 
  • Quality texts 
  • Use of our outdoor space